Civic and Social Resources

Civic and social resources resources are local and online resources related to civic and social literary. Civic and Social Literacy is defined as, "engaging in discourse while remaining respectful of other individuals of varying opinions; understanding the importance of community engagement which allows individuals to interact with one another, in a participatory manner; invoking societal change."
​​Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (LASP) - Legal Aid​

LASP's goal is to provide quality legal representation to low-income and vulnerable people in Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery Counties, to empower them to solve problems without legal representation through legal education and increased access to the courts, and to change community practices and systems that cause or aggravate poverty.
For a full list of LASP locations, check out
Find out more at
Mission Kids Child Advocacy Center - Child's Advocacy

Mission Kids Child Advocacy Center offers a comprehensive, centrally located, multidisciplinary team response to allegations of child abuse in a dedicated, child-friendly setting to achieve justice for child victims and promote their physical and emotional well-being. They offer services including neutral, fact-finding forensic interviews, family advocacy, mental health services, medical services, and outreach and prevention services.
Located at 180 W. Germantown Pike, Suite 1 East Norriton, PA 19401
Find out more at
​​​Victim Services Center of Montgomery County -
Victim Services

The Victim Services Center's goal is to provide advocacy and counseling for all who have been affected by sexual violence and other crimes against the person, and to promote sensitivity and awareness in the community through education. They offer services including advocacy, counseling, education, and legal aid.
Located at 325 Swede St., 2nd Floor, Norristown, PA 19401​​
They have a 24 hour crisis hotline that can be reached at 1-888-521-0983
Find out more at
Voting Resources:
Pennsylvania - Voting

This website provides helpful links and resources for Pennsylvania voters. This includes information like learning about early in-person voting, tracking your mail ballot, checking your voter registration status, finding ballot return locations, and more
​Check out Voting Resources: Pennsylvania
Polling Place Search Tool: Pennsylvania - Voting​

The Polling Place Search tool is a tool that will help you locate your polling place for Election Day.
Check out the Polling Place Search Tool at