More Services
Free Wifi
The library has free Wi-Fi available for public use. There's no password; just bring your tablet, laptop, or phone and connect to NWLWiFi_Public network
inside the library.
The library has a fax machine available for use. Just ask a staff member and we'll help you send a fax. We just ask for a donation paid after the fax goes through.
Public Computers
We have computers available for public use, but before you jump on you need to sign our Computer User Agreement form at the circulation desk. Computer time maybe limited to ensure all patrons are able to use the computers.
Exam Proctoring
Staff can proctor exams by appointment only. Call the library for more information and to schedule your test time.
There is a $20 charge for exam proctoring.
The computers are connected to a printer. Printing costs are 10 cents per black and white page, 25 cents per colored page. Same price for copies as well. Scanning can be used if you bring a USB drive to scan to that, our copier does not allow scanning to e-mail.
Medicare Help
By Appointment only
Free health insurance counseling designed to help Pennsylvanians age 65 and older, and those with disabilities. Held on site at the North Wales Library.
Please call 610-563-7967 to schedule an appointment.